
Climate Justice Dialogue Series Part 1: Intro to Just Transition: Community-centered, Community-led Climate Solutions


In collaboration with the Climate Justice Alliance and partners, the Environmental Grantmakers Association invites you to join us for the Climate Justice Crash Course for Funders.

The crash course is an opportunity for shared learning and action toward Climate Justice in 2022. The recently released IPCC Sixth Assessment Report underscores what we already knew, that immediate climate action is necessary to avoid the worst climate impacts. Recommended actions include fossil fuel divestment, rapid systems transformation, and increasing annual climate finance by three to six times by 2030 to limit warming to below 2 degrees C. Notably, the report also names "colonialism" as a historic and ongoing driver of the climate crisis.

Now is the time to invest in innovative, grassroots climate solutions, both domestically and globally, at scale to actualize transformative change. 2022 is the year to go deep on understanding the frontline-developed frameworks and principles behind Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, and Just Transition – for the sake of communities, the planet, and the effectiveness of your grant and investment dollars.

We hope you will join us on this learning and action journey, starting with the first part of the crash course: The Climate Justice Dialogue Series. 

EGA member, Trina Jackson from Grassroots International, will be speaking at this introductory session. We’ll be focusing on the origins of the climate justice movement, its guiding principles, concepts like Just Transition, and the important distinction between climate justice and mainstream environmentalism.

Review the full offerings of the Climate Justice Crash Course and view the course flyer. Learn more about the intentions behind the course.

The Climate Justice Dialogue Series is sponsored by the: Climate Justice Alliance, Donors of Color Network, EDGE Funders Alliance, Environmental Grantmakers Association, Justice Funders, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, Neighborhood Funders Group, REO Collaborative, Solidaire Network, and Women Donors Network. 

View the Recording in Spanish (For English version see below)

Webinar links available to members only