Webinar Part 3 of Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4D: Building and Reinforcing Trust-Based Structures 03.31.2022 5:00PM EDT to 5:00PM EDT Webinar links available to members only
Webinar Meet Green Leadership Trust's New Executive Director, Emira Woods! 03.23.2022 9:30PM EDT to 9:30PM EDT Webinar links available to members only
Webinar Pursuing Meaningful Change in a Hyper-partisan Environment 03.03.2022 7:30PM EST to 7:30PM EST Webinar links available to members only
Webinar Part 2 of Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4D: Embracing and Embedding a Trust-Based Culture 03.03.2022 5:00PM EST to 5:00PM EST Webinar links available to members only
Webinar Climate and Clean Energy in California: Making Justice40 a Reality on the Ground 02.18.2022 5:30PM EST to 5:30PM EST Webinar links available to members only
Webinar Part 1 of Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4D: Using Trust-Based Values to Transform Your Grantmaking 02.03.2022 5:00PM EST to 5:00PM EST Webinar links available to members only
Webinar Follow The Money: Newly Released EGA-HEFN Data on Environmental Health & Justice Grants 02.02.2022 5:00PM EST to 5:00PM EST Webinar links available to members only