Reflections on 2021

We began this year in community with the 2021 Federal Policy Briefing. In February, over 360 members joined us virtually to connect at an important moment in history. With a new administration and a change of leadership in Congress, the Briefing allowed an opportunity for us to reflect on the impact of a change in federal leadership on the future for environmental philanthropy. The briefing featured speakers including administration officials, members of Congress, movement leaders, and funder colleagues who shared valuable insights on advancing and aligning our efforts at the intersection of environmental sustainability, a healthy democracy, and federal policy.

We were joined by amazing arts & culture performances (top left), and heard insights from public officials including Senator Raphael Warnock (D-Georgia). We were also inspired by many amazing leaders, including LaTosha Brown of Black Voters Matters who joined Board Member Melanie Allen in conversation; and Tara Houska of Giniw Collective who zoomed in from the frontlines of the Line 3 pipeline protests in conversation with Board Member trellis stepter.

In June, we welcomed Tamara Toles O’Laughlin as the new President & CEO of EGA to lead our organization and community towards a new evolution centered on climate and racial justice. EGA also completed a facilitated evaluation and refresh of our strategic framework, which was presented to the membership during the 2021 Fall Retreat. The three-year process inspired a new direction for the organization and catalyzed institution-wide actions and outcomes which center justice, and racial equity. We also committed to partner with, support, and encourage members, staff, and board, to be mutually accountable to our Racial Equity POV guidelines. The Racial Equity POV, shared with the membership on Earth Day 2021, will guide our ongoing and continuing commitment to equitable programming, action, and initiatives to center racial justice within EGA, at the staff and board level, and in our community connections and collaborations.

In October, the EGA community convened virtually and in small, regional meet-ups for our annual Fall Retreat. The 2021 Fall Retreat was a collaborative and combined effort from our Retreat Program Committee, Board, and team, which connected a crowd of 500 strong. Across the three days of the Retreat, we reflected on the history of our evolution towards liberation while charting a pathway and bold vision for the future of environmental philanthropy and its role in supporting a thriving, sustainable South and solutions guided by the lived experiences and leadership of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color across the U.S. and globally. Our community and conversations were enriched by dialogues between, and insights from, a plethora of fearless and innovative leaders at the intersection of the environmental, and climate justice movements. Attendees also had the opportunity to connect via virtual coffee chat conversations, and a virtual block party, with arts & culture performances and mindfulness sessions shared throughout the programming.

Members also had the opportunity to engage with EGA’s leadership at the Retreat Town Hall, where we shared a new strategic framework with our community. The strategic framework identified four areas of action and intention, and revealed a guided roadmap that will center our membership’s environmental priorities in EGA’s Racial Equity POV. Attendees reflected on and discussed toolkits for harm reduction and equity in grantmaking, and shared their commitments to support just transition in our community and the environmental philanthropy field.

Take a moment to journey through the full recap of the 2021 EGA Fall Retreat here!

At the Fall Retreat, we connected on important priorities that spanned the US South to global environmental justice movements, as Tamara Toles O'Laughlin lead a conversation with Oladosu Adenike, Mondale Robinson, and Daniel Blackman. The virtual Retreat also presented opportunities to connect in community on October 8 through outdoor activities such as mapping and kayaking. On Day 3 of the Retreat, a small group of members engaged in-person with the Retreat programming in San Diego and together shared insights on toolkits for equitable grantmaking. Board member Marisa Aurora Quiroz is pictured sharing the group's insights with the community. The virtual photo booth allowed a fun dynamic of engagement and connection for the 2021 Retreat!

The lessons and connections from this year’s Retreat determined a robust action path to continue our work on environmental priorities through an equitable paradigm. In November, our members and funder colleagues had the opportunity to share, build on, and connect on these lessons through the discourse, strategies, and insights shared at the 26th session of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP). 

For those unable to attend COP26, catch up on the negotiations with insights from members and partners on the ground in our “Dispatch from Glasgow" newsletter series featuring:

Deborah Burke, Rockefeller Brothers Fund in our First Dispatch;
Darryl Young, The Summit Foundation and John Mitterholzer, The George Gund Foundation in our Second Dispatch; and
Grassroots International and Arturo Garcia-Costas, The NY Community Trust in our Third Dispatch.
