Road to Rio+20: Tracking EGA Members' Global Grantmaking

This report, made possible with a small grant from the Ford Foundation, analyzes global grantmaking trends in 2009 by EGA members using data from EGA’s 2009 Tracking the Field database of member grants in support of the environment. It also considers them around the themes of Rio+20, which are, a green economy and the institutional context for sustainable development. Additionally, it provides a snapshot of grants by issues and strategies in South America for its regional relevance. It qualifies these broad trends with data from interviews with a subset of EGA members—small, medium and large, who are engaged in global grantmaking—which surface their expectations and engagement with Rio+20 and related multilateral processes. EGA convened three meetings on Rio+20 in 2011. Relevant information from those are also incorporated. It concludes with some thoughts about Rio+20 and other such summits in the current context of local and global social movements.

  • Full Report available to members only