Katharine Millonzi
Strategic Partnerships Director
Katharine is a designer and program director with extensive experience partnering with start-ups, academic programs, and philanthropic ventures to build initiatives and experiences. Across diverse fields and formats, she has supported leaders in service to ecological and social wellbeing, including with Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New Economics Institute, Yale University, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Volgenau Climate Initiative. Katharine brings a multidisciplinary lens on collaborative capacity, underpinned by her enduring commitments to equity and justice, embracing complexity, and uniting people through purpose.A facilitator and coach, Katharine infuses her work with a deep belief in hospitality and in the relational and emergent approaches to transforming systems.
She received her BA in Social Anthropology and International Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London. She spent her 2007 Fulbright Fellowship in Italy researching traditional food production and regional identities, and concurrently earned an MA Ecological Gastronomy from the Università di Scienze Gastronomiche, founded by Slow Food International. Katharine was a 2014 Tedx speaker. She can often be found in the woods or by water.